ESE (Easy Serving Espresso) pods are industry standard pods, all measuring 44mm, and all suitable for any espresso system that takes ESE pods. A coffee pod is a pre-measured amount of coffee (around 7g), wrapped in filter paper, ready to have hot water pressed through it, resulting in a tasty, fuss-free cup of espresso. The standardisation of the ESE pod encouraged many manufacturers to introduce compatible machines and this in turn has led to a huge choice of flavours and blends from many of the internationally renowned coffee manufacturers. They recognised that consumers responded to the ease and convenience of the ESE pod: an espresso brewed quickly at home with no need to grind beans, measure coffee or clean many machine parts. We are pleased to offer you many ESE options – different size servings, blends and flavours from Illy, Lavazza, Mokarabia, Molinari and Segafredo. If you cannot find what you want, or need advice in choosing the perfect ESE pod, please call us on +44 20 7100 5173.